Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nieceroo conversation

This past Sunday, I got to talk to my niece.

Last summer when I was over, we went on a date and painted some pottery.

And although we were able to pick up the cup she is painting in this picture, the store lost her heart (which is sitting on the table and looks like it is purple), so they gave her another one and now all we have to do is go in and paint it.
So I was talking to her about getting together with my friend Beth and her girls and then us all going to paint. She sounded super excited.

Me: Hi Leia. I love you. What did you do today?

Her: Giggle, giggle. Played and I'm not supposed to tell you there is a chri-

Me: Don't tell me....So when I come and visit, do you want to go and paint your heart?

Her: Yes.

Me: I will invite my friend Beth and she can bring her girls too. And we will all paint together.

Her: Okay. (Pause) So you get in your car RIGHT NOW and drive over here and when you come, I'll tell my mom and dad and then we can go. Okay?

I'm so excited to go and see her and paint. I hope it works out, cause with this snow right now, things aren't looking positive.
She is also super excited, cause that night, when my sister was putting her to bed, they had this conversation:

Sis: Leia, go pick out your books. (They read before bedtime)

Her: Why?

Sis: Cause it's time to go to bed.

Her: But i'm going to paint my heart.

Ahhhhh.....can't wait to see her!


sarahmarie0730 said...

Awww...what a sweetie!

Anne C. said...

I love this! I hope you can make it over safely to paint her heart and spend some time giving her some special time.