It's started early this year! I can't believe it! At the beginning of the year, I tend to have a few bad dreams about school- my students, my classroom, the principal. They range from the funny to frustrating to scary. I think it all has to do with a little anxiety, a little nervousness, a little feeling of not being ready.
Friday night I had a dream about the first day of school. I was in my old room and the desks weren't set up yet. The bell had rung and the kids were coming in. I decided that they could put their backpacks away, get a chair and sit in a circle, they were sixth graders (I'm teaching 4th this coming year) and should have been able to handle that. It was only three directions that I told them. The first thing they had problems with is their backpacks not fitting where they were supposed to go. I had to go and help them with that. Then as they continued to fill and fill my room, there were kids just sitting on the floor without chairs, kids touching my stuff in the front of the room and kids touching my stuff in the back of the room.
I started giving the kids some directions and one of the kids in the back kept talking while I was talking, so I told him he was going to owe me recess time (5 min.) and he kept talking, so I added another minute. Then he said that I was a f*ing b*t#h. I sent him to the office and told him to tell them a slip would follow him.
All that in the first 15 min. of the first day of school.
I have a feeling I might be in trouble!
At least the kid only called you a "f-ing b" in your dream... I've never been more mad at a kid than I was at the 18 year old boy who called me that in the middle of class. He was a bit of a sociopath though- but try holding your cool and manage teaching the rest of the period when you want to punch a kid through his eyeballs! Trust me, not easy. Don't worry. It won't happen to you!
I have those kinds of dreams all the time....and it usually teaches me what I'm most worried about. My concern is always to do with management and following directions and it sounds like that is your worry. You will do awesome and you will probably find how much you love 4th grade and their humor, knowledge and capabilities. Remember many of them had you as a teacher before and they know your expectations!
@ Lindsay- I couldn't imagine ever having a kid call me that. I bet you were livid, yet kept your composure and went about teaching like the pro you are! I will say one of my kiddos from last year called a sub that, but would never say anything like that to me!
@ Anne- I think you are right. I'm so programed with how to entertain little kids, I'm worried about the older kids. I also remember that the buddy readers we've had in the past and how they look at me (they've had me too) and worry that the kids will just run crazy!!!
Oh well two weeks and it's go time. I think I'll get a first day of school outfit! Haven't done that in years...seems appropriate this year!
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