Thursday, April 08, 2010

We Made Lumpia!

Over the past few years I have had a wonderful friend that has always brought lumpia to the parties, but she decided that one day we should have a lumpia making party so that she no longer had to be the only one to make them.
Sadly when I got there, I realized I had no battery life left in my camera, so I took no pictures. Needless to say we all learned how to make them.
Since then I've tried only once to make lumpia and I failed because I couldn't find the correct wrapper. But over break, she bought me the right wrappers and we tried again. They turned out so onolicious!
I will for sure be having more, but don't let my secret out, cause then I will be making them for everyone!

1 comment:

tiwalani said...

Ummm...where were the lumpias last night while we were watching MM?? It would've gone perfect for our viewing party!! LOL