Saturday, March 20, 2010


The Luck of the Lady as well as the luck of the ping pong ball wasn't with us on St. Patrick's Day, yet we had a good time anyway. My guess is that we had used all of our luck the first night we played and came in 2nd.
The tables were set and ready for the action.

The point is to throw the ping pong ball into the opponents cups before they can do the same to yours. (Of course there are other rules as well, but they seem to only be brought up when we aren't doing something right.) Each cup is full of beer and after your opponent sinks the ball into the cup, you have to drink the beer gone.

There is also a lot of trash talking across the table and many different moves to try and block the balls from going in the cups, but really all that matters in the end is who can sink the balls into the cup!

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