Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Working Women's Wednesday

Today a small group of co-workers and I headed down the The Ram in Tacoma to partake in Working Women's Wednesday. There were some businesses there promoting their products as well as giving away free things. One lady was giving away free massages. The Ram was promoting their catering piece. There were two Mary Kay Consultants passing out some facial lotion and there was two hair stylists doing hair from Embelish. There were some great drink and appetizer specials too.
I had a few drinks and some food and was also able to get my eyebrows done! (they soo needed it!)
Throughout the night they were also having drawings for items from the different companies there. The one big prize of the night was two tickets to Legally Blonde, the play. We were paying attention most of the night and watching all the ladies from one table win. It was getting slightly depressing, so I stopped listening. The next thing I heard was my name being called. I turned and looked at one of my friends and said, "What did I win?" She said, "Legally Blonde tickets!" I didn't really believe her, but I went up there and that is what I had won! Oh my!!! Crazy!!!
When I came back to the table. I asked if they had heard my name and two of the girls had heard the whole thing of them talking and the announcers had said that whomever had won had folded their paper like an airplane, so if you folded your paper like an airplane then you had won the tickets. I didn't hear that. Then she said that they even flew the plane up to the person reading the answer, yet again I missed that too, but the best part was that I did hear my name and I did get the tickets!
I can't wait to go!


sarahmarie0730 said...

Yay! What a great prize! Congrats:)

Anonymous said...

Ahhh the secret of the magic fold.
That's how I won my ring and purse at Wine, Women and WOW last year.

I can make myself available to be your guest. FIRST!

Da Mom

tiwalani said...

YAY FRIEND!! How exciting!! I've heard great things about this play!! :)

Anonymous said...

FUN!! I was telling Keaka that we should get tix :) Congrats!
