Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Out of Town and Out of Touch!

Not being attached to a computer or TV on vacation was wonderful, but it makes for some long hours at the computer and in front of the TV trying to catch up on all that I've missed. So far I've learned that:
  • It wasn't really a good few weeks to be a celebrity seeing that Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Billy Mayes, Steve McNair, Oscar Mayer, and Michael Jackson all died.
  • For all the craziness that happened with Michael Jackson later in his life, he will be remembered as a music icon.
  • My friend, Shanna, delivered her baby Alexander 5 weeks early. Mom and baby are doing well. Plus she is already back to her pre-baby weight! Don't hate her!
  • Facebook continues to match me with inanimate objects and wants to know if I want to friends with them.
  • Many of the photog blogs I stock are consumed in wedding season right now and everyone else is posting about their wonderful vacations. I can't wait to do the same. (yet I keep writing small things, because I haven't finished editing photos.)

so far that is it, but I might add more as I get more time to just hang out at my house, although that time is rare!

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