Tuesday, July 14, 2009

If You Guessed...

A. We went to Europe. You are wrong!

B. We went to watch soccer. You are wrong!

C. We found a photo booth and took a bunch of pictures in front of different baseball stadiums, you are still wrong!

D. We watched baseball in almost all of the Major League Baseball Stadiums in California, then you are CORRECT!!!!

We headed out for a week long trip of baseball, sun, beaches, and good times and we had all! We were able to hit all MLB stadiums, except Oakland because they were gone the whole time we were down there. Plus the one night we could have seen them I had a math class to take and we couldn't get to Oakland early enough to watch the game. (We flew in at 8:30) Boo!

So the following morning we got up at the crack of dawn and made our way to LA

to watch the first of two games in the area. We watched the Dodgers vs. Colorado. They had split the series up to that point. The stadium was full of many young fans with almost every day camp group there. We were surrounded by kids, but no kids that we were in charge of! The game was pretty uneventful, with just a few hits and runs. The dodgers ended up winning! Which started a great streak for us at 1-0. (We decided to root for all the home teams, because we really had no ties to any team we were watching!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love..love..love the photos the kid holding up his glove looking down. He is a rock star! - MB