Tuesday, July 28, 2009


And I'm loving it! I'm spending as much time as I can outside, which is pretty much all day considering I'm on SUMMER VACATION! The pool is nice and refreshing and my neighbors who join me in it are pretty hilarious.
All these people who are complaining need to remember the winter and how cold and miserable we all were, especially the ones in Spokane.
Everyone should embrace this weather, and love this weather, and kiss this weather, because I'm sure it will be over soon enough and then everyone will be complaining about how cold it is!

side note- a friend from Birmingham, Alabama sent me a text today asking if I wanted to come down and visit him because it was only going to be 82 today and 84 tomorrow. I told him it was too cold for me and I would just stay right here in the 90's and 100's

1 comment:

Ice said...


I just ran into your random blog, and so the article about the heat in Seattle.

It is wicked hot. I live in West Seattle and my lawn is brown. It is hot, but very nice, amazing isn't it?

Anyways, I do agree, it's going to get cooler soon, and we'll have our six months of gray.