Thursday, July 16, 2009

Game 3

The following morning we headed down to San Diego to watch the Padres vs. Dodgers.
I couldn't wait to get there because I had heard it was so beautiful. Full of amazing beaches, weather, and people and we were able to experience it all.
After a bit of sunning at the beach, we were off to our hotel to shower, change and get ready for the game. We drove down to the game and found a spot to park for $15. We walked up to the window to buy a ticket and there was a lady standing at the front of the line and she said that the game was SOLD OUT! We were crushed and didn't know what to do. We asked her about the following day's game and she said tickets were starting at $38. Cassie and I both thought, NOOOOO! What are we going to do?
We decided to check out some scalpers to see what they were selling their tickets for. The only scary part was all the scalpers looked like Italian Mafia guys (just a wee bit scary!) We over heard one say $50 for a ticket. Cassie and I for sure weren't paying that, so we kept walking. We thought we should see if any of the will call tickets had been released. Josh (the nice young man who worked there) said nothing was released and he didn't think any would be. Cassie and I were dumbfounded as to why this game was so popular...ummm so there was this guy that got suspended for 50 games and he was coming back that night! Boo Manny Ramirez! So we continued around the stadium checking it out. As we were walking, I overheard a scalper trying to sell "park" tickets for $50. Park tickets don't get you into the game, it gets you into the park that is attached to the stadium. I couldn't believe it.
Just when we were about to give up hope. We found a place where more people were coming in and there was more action of scalpers and people needing tickets like this man.

I watched him for a long time and then it happened all at once. A lady walked up to him and said she had 2 tickets for $60 and he bought them! I asked her if she had any more, she said no, so I asked the man for his sign. He gave it to me with no problem and that is how I ended up working the corner. I worked it hard and long, because most people only had 1 ticket, not two. I got lots of great looks from boys, although they just laughed as they walked into the game without me!

Then all of a sudden our luck changed.
Two ladies approached us asking if we were NEA members, for the life of me I couldn't figure out what they were talking about, but once I did I said yes and they said they had one ticket in their hand and another one in the stadium. I ended up going in to get the other ticket and came back out to a very happy Cassie. It just so happened that the National Education Association (our teacher union) was having it's national convention and they had offered tickets to all the people that came to the game, so we ended up sitting with teachers from Missouri.
To make the night even a little more crazy, when I came in to get the ticket for Cassie I ran smack dab into our music teacher, my master teacher, and our old nurse! A crazy way to start a night of baseball for sure!
The game was eventful for all the Dodger fans that made the trip down although Manny got thrown out at 1st on his first at bat. The Dodgers ended up winning the game beating the Padres 6-3 after scoring 5 runs in the 1st inning! We were now 2-1.

The night ended with amazing fireworks and some more tailgating, although the supplies for tailgating were getting really low!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA....This was the funniest post. I love it! You will forever be mocked for working the corner. I love it..what an adventure. I am so happy you got to experience it :-) -Marie