Monday, June 08, 2009

Mail Call

This came in the mail on Friday and I was sooooo super excited!!!!

In Washington State, after finishing 4 years of schooling to be a teacher, teachers are only given a residency certificate to teach. This certificate is good for 5 years. To get their final certification, aka professional certification, teachers must go back to school (within that 5 years-so their certification doesn't go invalid) take more credits, create a study with some sort of educational purpose, and write some lesson plans to be taught in their classrooms.
I went back as soon as I could (You have to be teaching for two years before you can even start the program) to get it all done. Now $1,500 more in debt, I can say that I'm Professionally Certified.


tiwalani said...

yay! congrats friend :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, congrats on all your efforts! - MAB