Friday, June 26, 2009

Just Some Questions...

  • Why is it when you try to be nice and take extra time to do something, it back fires in your face and you end up taking twice the amount of time and no one is happy about it?
  • Why is it that women are so caddy, even into their 60's?
  • Why is it so much fun to go out with your friends and stay up till hours of the night, but then you end up paying for it for the next few days?
  • Why is it any of our business when a politician has an affair? People have affairs all the time, but does it get broadcast across the 5 o'clock news?
  • How do you gain confidence in something you love to do, but never feel you are good enough to be doing?
  • What happens when you loose the passion for something and can't find it again?
  • When are you able to stop caring about how others feel about you and only care about how you feel about yourself?
  • Will Michael Jackson's image be marred by his actions later in life or will he be remembered as a great icon of music?
  • Will everyone forget about Farrah Faucet's death because Michael Jackson died the same day?
  • Will Ed McMahon continue to knock on people's doors even after his death?
  • Why is it that even after 10 years, people can still be hung up on the past?


tiwalani said...

oh friend...i ask some of these questions myself. the gaining confidence thing and most of all the losing passion for something. we've discussed this before & i think the key is doing it for "you" again & not for everyone else. i'm learning how to get there. have a GREAT day!!

Anonymous said...

i believe that should be "catty"

kilipohi said...

not caddy like a caddy who carries your golf clubs? more like a cat?

Anonymous said...

Oh friend -- I hope you have shaken some of this funk...if not I will help you when I get home....hugs!