Sunday, June 21, 2009

All Because Two People Fell In Love...

they created this wonderful loving family and stepped into new roles of mother and father. We girls were blessed with the best parents, who would do anything for us even if it meant that they would have to go without. They created the best possible environment for us to grow up in surrounded by family and friends, enriched our lives through travel to Grandma and Grandpa's house, Hawaii, and many other fun adventures, and instilled in us values, morals, and a cultural awareness that we can pass on to our kids and people that we meet. They filled our house with laughter, silly jokes, crazy games, and new "family" members along the way. They are our greatest cheerleaders, our biggest fans, our fiercest advocate. Never could I ask for better parents who continue to love me, support me, and never let me "just" win at games.
Dad-Thank you for everything you have done for our family and for me. Without you, who would take the corn off my cobb when I was missing my front teeth? Without you, who would sing the "do do do do, don't doo doo on me" song when we danced? Without you, who would hold me up when I feel tired. Without you, who would have pushed me to be a better person? Without you, who would have showed me how to love with such an open heart? Without you, who would take me out golfing and then almost rip my head open with a ball? Without you my life would feel empty.
Mom- You say it yourself when you sign your cards to us: heart Mom da Bomb! You are the Bomb!
Thanks for everything! Happy Mother's Day, Happy Father's Day, Happy Anniversary!

Small kid time...

Medium kid time...

summer of '98

summer '05
Big kid time....

hawaii '08


tiwalani said...

love it!! happy fathers day uncle henry!! :)

Anonymous said...

Kili -- as a mom this is such a wonderful tribute...I only hope my children feel as grateful when they are older -- love you! D