While growing up there are many things that our parents do, actions or words they say that we tend to pick up and then pass along as well. My mom used a tapping method with us. This method took many different forms, but in the end ment the same thing. One of the ways I like to wear my hair was in a braid, so my mom would braid my hair. When she was done, she would pull my braids lovingly to indicate she was done. When she tied my shoes, she would pat my leg to indicate she was done or she needed the other leg. After giving me a hug, she would tap my back, indicating she was done hugging. There was always some type of indicator that she was done.
Lately, I’ve noticed that I’m doing the same things to my kids. After I‘m done tying their shoes, I’ll pat their shoes. Or when their zipper is stuck on their jacket, I’ll undo it and then tap their shoulders to indicate they are done. It’s really starting to become second nature, so much so that when I tied my own shoes the other day I gave my own leg a tap, telling myself that I was done.
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