Saturday, March 21, 2009

Who Knew It Could Be Free!

After two long agonizing years, I finally got the opportunity to get a new phone. I've always hated my old phone because:
  1. I felt that I was pushed into getting it.

  2. It had way more features than I ever used.

  3. It cost more than I would ever really spend for a phone.

  4. I didn't get the refund and had to pay full price for it.
  5. I wanted red. They didn't have it. Said to take the grey. They will call when the red comes in, they never called. I finally took it in to exchange and was hassled about it because I was one day over on taking things back.

So this week I started perusing new phones and found one I wanted the Samsung Propel. It fit all my needs! Texting, calling, picture taking... I for sure thought I had to wait until April to get it, because that is when my contract would be up, but low and behold my ATT account, said I could change now, so onto look for the phone through ATT website and it was listed at $59. I thought, oh no! I'm not paying that much, but then I went to BEST BUY and oh my goodness it was....


so I bought it there! Everyone should buy them there!

1 comment:

sarahmarie0730 said...

Congrats!!! Yay for new phones! And free phones!