There's been some big news in TV lately like the whole change to digital...that never happened. Actually there are things that are happening that I am super excited about.
Brothers and Sisters is really heating up! I'm enjoying all the story lines and can't wait to find out if Tommy really goes to jail.
Friday Night Lights is back on NBC. I was sad that it wasn't only on Direct TV, but I was able to find it online. So I've already watched most of the shows, but I will start watching again when the shows are new to me.
Amazing Race has started again and I'm watching it. I haven't ever really watched it, but am super excited about it this time. I have no favorites yet, but will soon.
I thought I was done watching Ugly Betty because it was really getting boring, but with a new love interest for Betty and Daniel running after his woman who is sick. I'm interested again.
Private Practice and Greys Anatomy 2 hour special where they crossed-over into each others shows has also renewed my interest in both shows.
I'm done with the City, oh wait you didn't know I was watching it, I'm not. It's not interesting.
Jason from the Bachelor was dumb in picking Melissa and then letting her go for Molly. Molly is dumb for being with Jason after picking someone else, dumping her on National TV and then picking her. Who's to say she won't be next. Needless to say I'm done with the Bachelor, but I'm excited about Bachelorette with Jillian, from this past Bachelor.
Melissa has moved on and will replace Nancy O'Dell on Dancing with the Stars. It might actually make me watch it, but then again maybe not.
We love the Amazing Race! We want to try out... one day :) How fun would that be!!!
i'm disappointed that we don't watch any of the same stuff, kili. i watch breaking bad (a&e), fringe, lost, survivor, the office, 30 rock, terminator and galactica. laura makes me watch idol sometimes, too.
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