Saturday, March 28, 2009

It's Gone!

I'm soooo suuuuuper excited that it's finally gone after a month of trying to send it to a good home. The couch was picked up today and will be going to a family of 9 who recently immigrated here from Bhutan. A gentleman from their church saw my re-post on freecycle and came and picked it up this morning. He was in and out lickety split. As soon as he left, I did the Couch-is-Gone-Dance.
I was so excited to have room back in my livingROOM! It's so nice looking without a clutter of couches....
Now I'm off to my niece (Cousin's daughter's) 1 year-old birthday. I made her this
Isn't it cute. A homemade tutu with pink, orange, and white tulle tied onto a lime green ribbon, so it can grow with her and she can practice tying when she gets older. Happy Birthday Leilani!


tiwalani said...

omg, i can't believe the couch has been there for this long...holy crap!!! and friend, can you make Ry a tutu too? i'll totally pay you for it. i want one to take pics of her in. let me know!

Anonymous said...

WE LOVE THE TUTU! Thanks Kili for all your help!
