Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Friday the 13th

Be careful and Beware of the things that may happen on Friday the 13th. (insert sinister laugh-Aaaaauuuuuughhhhhhh) Who knows, Jason or Freddy might come after you....

At school, things were a little more light hearted with it being the 100th day of school, Valentines Party Day, and the last day before break. (Yes, we still have mid-winter break!) We've been working the kids hard the past month and a half, so today was a day we could just relax and work on our art skills, our counting skills, our eating skills, and our playing skills. We made a paper chain with 100 links and are going to add 80 more links to signify the amount of days the kids are in school. The only poopy thing about the chain is that it's yellow and purple (YUCK!!!) I didn't think about it when I was cutting the paper. My bad! We did calisthenics in groups of 10 to make 100. The kids read all of their Valentines and ate waaaayyyyy to much candy. Then I sent them off to recess and PE. Oh the joys!

I, of course, ended up with many boxes of candy, some balloons, and only a few things that I'll be recycling. A couple of weeks ago, two of our wonderful assistants got matching sweaters and wore them on the same day. Sarah, my teaching partner and I were so mad ;) that we weren't included we made a big stink about it. They told us that there were some cute pink and white polka-dot ones that we could get for Valentines Day. We were totally in. So today we were all sporting our cute sweaters. Everyone thought we were super cute. We did too!!!

All in all it was a pretty alright day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

super cute sweaters!! :)