Those made up games are usually the ones that we play over and over again. It all started, I think, with House Rally. We are divided into two teams (this game is usually played with my aunt, uncle and cousins.) One person would set out clues all over our house, while everyone else waited at our uncle and aunt's house. When they came back, the time would start for the first team, they would run over and search for the clues leading them through out the house. Time would stop once everyone made it back to our uncle and aunt's house. Then the next team would go, looking for a better time than the other team. We played it many different ways in both houses. Sometimes the games aren't as elaborate as House Rally. They sometimes are as simple as: "Who can hit the tree first with a Rock?" or Okole charades.
Over Christmas Break my sister and I discovered a new game for our family to play: "Who could sit on the exercise ball the longest?" I thought my mom would have an advantage because it was her workout ball we were using, but I was wrong. Everyone had different techniques as to where to place your hands, should you sit or lay on the ball, and do you squeeze the ball with your legs or not. Bil ended up winning. He sat on the ball for something like 57 seconds. Good Job Bil! We kind of decided the less weight you had the easier it would be. My dad tried the laying down method.
I was all about putting my hands on the back of the ball and pushing in when I thought I was going to roll. My p.b. (personal best) was 5 sec. that night. I went home and practiced and ended up getting something like 27 sec. the next day.
We also played Nerts, a multi-person game of speed solitaire that I learned to play in college. It was the first time for my bil and sis and they held their own, but I kicked butt! Well I ended up winning.
First off, I think you needed a champion nerts player to have some competition... if not, at least a good laugh with. What about Kama's favorite game Okoles charades??? I have watched many of rear-ends spell out some words. LOL
I did some editing and added other games that we've played....You could start playing it with your boys and your kids at school you know.
why did i totally bust out laughing when i saw the picture of your dad belly down on the ball??? probably because that's the FIRST thing I would do if i played that game!! LOL um when i'm un-pregnant, i want to play the game that you & your cousins played with the ball things tied to the string & had to have them wrap around the pole thing. i believe it was a drinking game. i heart drinking games! LOL
Awwwww! Oh you're pregnant belly would roll you right off!
The game with my cousins was not a drinking game, but just a normal game. We added the drinking element! to make it more fun. I will have to get one of those games so we can all play it.
My cousins were actually trying to get beer pong going during Christmas, but it never happened.
Hi, I found your blog post through a search for “Nerts”. It is cool to see others that know about the game. I hope you don’t mind but I wanted to let you know about, the site for the National Nertz Association. There is a bunch of interesting Nertz information there and you can also find out how to play Nertz online there. I hope you will check it out. Feel free to join and also let your friends and family know. Thanks
I want to play the House Rally Game!
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