As some of you may know, I have had some weird feelings about my upstairs neighbor. He's kind of creeped me out since I first moved in. The first time I went swimming he made some comments to me about going swimming with his swimsuit that would flash me as well as swimming without swimsuits at all. Needless to say, living below hasn't been all bad. He's super quiet and hardly ever do I hear him walking around, but it's when I do hear him that creeps me out. There has been several times that I will go to the bathroom in the middle of the night where he too will get up and go to the bathroom, or I will be walking around my apartment and I will hear him above me walking to the same exact spots, stopping where I stop,and then going again when I go. I've been somewhat convinced that there are cameras or holes in my apartment so he can spy on me. I have seriously looked for them, but have found nothing so far.
So one night after I came home from hula, I dropped all my stuff and went into the bathroom, not turning on the light, to use the toilet. I sat down on the toilet and I started to see a blue flashing light down by my feet. My head started to spin. In my head I was screaming, "I knew he had a camera in here, I just knew it. I bent over looking for the camera or at least the direction of where the light was coming from. I looked on the left hand side and then the right. I put my hand down and grabbed what I thought was the camera and pulled it out, it was my bluetooth! I had forgotten to turn it off and the blue light was flashing. The stupid light was from me, not from any camera that my neighbor had set up. I felt so stupid!
Story #2
I've always been told not to stop at a rest areas at night when I'm alone. They are not so safe and tend to be shown on Unsolved Mysteries. So on my way up to visit my friend Becker (not late at night, but it was nighttime), I had to use the restroom, but didn't want to stop at one of the rest areas; therefore I kept travelling. With each mile it was getting harder and harder to hold it. Lucky for me up came a sign for a rest area, I also noticed that they were serving coffee and there happened to be another car getting off, so I thought it would be safe to get off with them, at least there would be two of us and the coffee people there. When I pulled into the rest area there was plenty of people, but I still took great care to be observant of my surroundings.
I've always been told not to stop at a rest areas at night when I'm alone. They are not so safe and tend to be shown on Unsolved Mysteries. So on my way up to visit my friend Becker (not late at night, but it was nighttime), I had to use the restroom, but didn't want to stop at one of the rest areas; therefore I kept travelling. With each mile it was getting harder and harder to hold it. Lucky for me up came a sign for a rest area, I also noticed that they were serving coffee and there happened to be another car getting off, so I thought it would be safe to get off with them, at least there would be two of us and the coffee people there. When I pulled into the rest area there was plenty of people, but I still took great care to be observant of my surroundings.
There was a car full of stuff (like someone lived in the car) and a man getting out of it parked in one of the first stalls, I watched him carefully move to the bathrooms as I pulled into my spot. I jumped out went to the bathroom and then jumped back in my car. As I went to back out, I noticed that same car, full of stuff, was driving behind me and then it pulled into a different spot closer to some other cars on my right side. It kind of freaked me out, so I kept looking over my right shoulder to see what he was doing. As I continually glanced over my shoulder, I would see flashes of light. Now I was freaked out, I wondered if someone had jumped into my car and was flashing a light at me, or if someone outside the car was flashing a light at me, then I realized it was dark and the light was blue...yet again it was my stupid bluetooth going off!
Sometimes I kill myself with stupid things I think of.
Sometimes I kill myself with stupid things I think of.

yikes friend!! it's ok, i'm super paranoid all the time..whether i'm in my own house or not. the thing with the neighbor IS creepy though. one night when you're walking & stop & he stops should start bunny hopping to different areas of the house or full out sprinting. see if he can keep up. LOL
OH kili...both of these stories are hilarious, but yet I can see how you would be freaked out! I have a wild imagination myself and am constantly thinking things are much wilder than they really are. I'm glad I don't have a bluetooth.
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