Thursday, October 02, 2008

How Far Along Are You?

One said she was done having babies, the other one was trying and trying with no success. Then the one who didn't want any more (she already has three) got pregnant and a few weeks later so did the one who was trying and trying. Now they are going through their pregnancies together and having a great time. I am so happy for the both of them. Congratulations ladies!!!!


Anonymous said...

thanks best friend!
BTW..i think we need a new picture!

Anonymous said...

YAY US!! Who wants to be in the pregger club!? LOL can we take a new pic at Lokahi? :)

kilipohi said...

Sounds good. I can do that. I am so happy for you both. YOu'll have to keep having babies, so I can one day be apart of this club with you.

Anonymous said...

That is such a cute pic of Kapua and Tanya! Will you be updating each month so we can see the transitions until the babies come?

kilipohi said...

I hope to continue to update throughout their pregnancies. They are futher along than this picture now, because this picture was taken back in August.
I'm sure once the babies come along there will be tons of photographers photo graphing them, not just me.