We got our new badges today...aren't they pretty?

We didn't even know we would be getting them. They just told us to take a picture and then late in the day a badge showed up on my desk. My picture isn't too bad, but I'm super glad that I had her take the first picture over again. This one turned out much better *wink, wink* (Actually I couldn't really tell the photos apart, but this is the one I'm stuck with.) \
I also found my old one from when I first started working there. I was only a mere 24 years old, now 7 years later I'm older and wiser and oh, so much hotter! Don't you think?

I also found all my old badges. It was crazy to see the transformation from when I was still in college (the white one at the top left) all the way till now. I've changed a lot wouldn't you say?!?
you are one hot mama! :)
thanks girl!!
Such a beautiful transformation!!! Great job girly!
i can't believe you saved all those badges. you're such a saver. you are way "hotter" and I can't believe that you've been teaching there for 7 years!!!! what? that went by so fast.
love ya
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