Life is the usual here.
- Working out: I'm finally back into a normal schedule, although the mornings are still hard. Last week, my car was in the shop and I missed three mornings. Those days I felt tired and run down, but didn't think much of it until I did go and workout. I had energy and was bouncing off the walls. There really is something to say about getting those endorphins going.
- Hula: We had a show on Saturday, which went okay. I danced only one song of the three that the girls danced. We have another show this Saturday in Puyallup at Chief Leshi. It is a a Ho'olauleia and only cost $5 to come. We go on at 3. I am trying to remember all the dances and dancing in my head whenever I have down moments.
- School: The kids are doing well in my class. There are some that are getting in trouble at recess, but in the classroom they are doing well. The other stuff, I just let roll off my back.
- Life: I have a little of it. In the past couple of weekends I have had breakfast and dinner with some friends, went dancing, and have been doing some photo editing.
- Chock'ful of Life: Has been going well. I have a senior shoot tomorrow and then on Saturday another football game.
edited: Here are those images of the sunset with the new 70-200 f2.8 lens.
This first one is from my house as the sun sets over the mountain.
I then raced up over the hill and came down into Redondo to catch the rest of the sunset.
The end after the sun is already gone.
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