Sunday, September 28, 2008

Oh Computer Gods, Where Art Thou?

I've been having trouble with a slow computer lately, but recently it has gotten to be even more ridiculously slow. I have been taking so many pictures and editing them, that the space on my hard drive looked like the first graph above. It was super frustrating. Then Doug came over and imparted some infinite wisdom on me...USE YOUR EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE!
I had been using it and had moved everything except 2008 pictures, but when we looked at it's little pie chart, it looked like the complete opposite of the blue one above (it looked like the pink one). Basically meaning it had tons of space that I could use and wasn't.
So I moved everything over and now my computer is faster, my hard drive looks like the pink graph above and so does my external hard drive. Thanks Doug.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hooray for doug!! i REALLY need to move all my stuff to my external. that'll be my to-do for the week before Lokahi...