The sounds of laughter and the swiftness of moving feet were what welcomed me to this house full of little ones. They were super excited to see me and my camera again, not only because they were going to get their picture taken, but also because they were going to wear their coveted Easter dresses again. The three of them: Anna, the oldest; Sarah, the middle one; and Audrey, the youngest can cause quite a stir. Of course, I helped them a little. We played outside, we played inside, we played Barbies, and board games. By the end of the night, everyone was tired and just a wee bit cranky.
The morning brought smiles back to their faces and lovely singing voices coming from the bathroom. (I'm sure she was just doing her "normal" routine, but it sure seemed like Anna was ready for me to get up ;) ;)
I always have a wonderful time when we have the opportunity to be together. I am so blessed to have them as apart of my life.

How absolutely adorable!
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