Big Brother has started again and I am interested to see how it plays out. The house has already divided up and they are vowing to kick the players for the other side off. There have been some blow-up fights, although none of it seems to hold any ground. It seems to early to pick a winner, but I think I'll go with these two, Memphis and Angie.

Currently they are in an alliance with two other people (who are insane,) but if they can ride it out, they should be good.
Real World/ Road Rules Challenge The Island: I can't wait for this one. They are no longer in a phatty house with all the boose and food they can eat. They have to rough it, like Survivor. Now we will really see what they are made of. Althought there is a trailer for it, the site is not up and running yet, so I don't even know who is going to be on it, but I can't wait to find out.
confidential to Betty and Becker: It will be back on 9/1. I know you can't wait! Neither can I!
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