Wednesday, March 26, 2008


For over a year the clock face in my car has been not working. One day it just stopped. I was so sad, but I adjusted. I found clocks that were on my "normal" driving route that I could look at and find out if I was going to be on time for work, if I was going to have to stop for a train, or if I was late for the gym. I never realized how many I looked at until one day last week the clock face came back to life and I no longer had to look at those crazy located on my drive, I could drive with the time always at my side. It was great!!!

Until yesterday when it went out again.

I finally also have eye insurance and after having a pair of contacts for 2 years am now able to get a new pair. I was slightly worried about getting them because the last two days I haven't been able to see out of them. When I went to the doctor he has me switch them around and oh my goodness everything looked better after a little adjusting on my part. I have group health and I love how they have named their places of business. If you can't hear, you go to the hear center if you can't see you go here:

I wonder what happens when it hurts to you go to The Pee Center?

1 comment:

sarahmarie0730 said...

Ewww...the pee center:)

Oh no - the clock went out again. That sucks yo!