Sunday, March 09, 2008


Last Friday I decided to whip up a delicious meal. While I was baking some fish, re-heating some fried rice I had made earlier in the week, and preparing a scrumptious looking salad with all the fixings, I heard a big bang coming from my oven.I was very surprised that a noise like that would come from my oven. I opened my oven to find this.
The sides of the glass pan had completely broken off all around my fish. My fish was still cooking on the bottom of the pan, but now the sides were laying in pieces on the racks and bottom of my oven. I was flabbergasted and couldn't figure out why my pan would just fall apart like that.
I decided that the fish looked okay and that there was no glass in it, so I put some sweet chili sauce on it and ate it along with the other two items I had prepared and had a wonderful meal.

1 comment:

sarahmarie0730 said...

Uh-oh! I wonder how that happened. Was the pan cold when you put it in the oven?