Thursday, March 06, 2008

After A Hard Day...

A cold, fresh beer sounds really good!
And that is exactly what I had yesterday. 2 to be exact.
The stress level at school has been slowly elevating with grades due today, parent teacher conferences just around the corner, poor communication, moodiness, nitpicking and women just being women. The emails were flying yesterday and seriously all week about stupid things that really didn't even matter. The buses are late again...can't we just put the kids in the gym until they come...have 6th graders watch them...there were cupcake wrappers on the ground...we should have a no cupcake Friday after school 3-5, not required but STRONGLY suggested you be there...everyone else gets a 15 min. recess, but we only get 10... can you switch from one group to another because we can't have you meet with your team, not enough subs. It went on and on, I finally stopped reading them and it was good. I was good. My report cards were done and I was leaving for the day when I was stopped by one more person to tell me about another email that was sent. It sent me over the edge, as I talked with this person I could feel my blood start to boil. I needed to get out of there.
I packed my stuff, drove to the store, bought some beer, and came home and had 1. It didn't quite do the trick, so I had to have another. I had some dinner and then decided I was going to get even more stress out at hula, yet dancing after drinking not such a good idea. We worked hard and by the end I couldn't remember anything. Oh well, at least today I am at home doing what I want to do and not having and stupid school stress.

1 comment:

sarahmarie0730 said...

Haha...why does this sound so very familiar??? Of all the things to complain about in life, why do they choose the silliest and smallest things to complain about??? Thank goodness I have you across the hall to keep me sane:) Thank you for that!