Monday, October 01, 2007

New Cookbook

Get a new cookbook and be inspired. That is exactly what happened to me. I have been cooking up a storm since my new purchase and it is has been so delicious. What I actually got was an organizer for all my recipes that have been stuff in my other cookbooks.It looks exactly like this, but says food words and hold recipes.

I've made some yummy goodness recipe from Janel, apple crisp recipe from my mom, fried lice from my mom, potato salad my own creation, and today I made the best potato fries. I made them out of the small red potatos and garnished them with garlic, a little oil, salt and pepper. They were so delicious! I wish I would have taken a picture of them, but they are already in my tummy and taking a picture of my tummy is out of the question!

Be inspired get a new cookbook!


Anonymous said...

The potatoes sound great, but fried lice??? Ewwww!:)

Anonymous said...

Could be the start of some great stuff! I collect cookbooks and love to do different ethnic cooking. My hubby has had a spike in blood pressure and I'm big into Chinese cabbages, bean sprouts and brown soba noodles! Today I did a turkey chili and used bulgar wheat instead of rice (whole grain substitute), lots of spices and no added sugar. I hope we get healthier by some good homecooking with lots of vegies, less salt and maybe a little real sugar for a reward, though I'm trying for NON-FOOD rewards, such as clothes, make up, pedicures, etc.!