Tuesday, October 02, 2007

New Boy Found at the Bank

This morning I was listening to KMPS and they were talking about where they met their significant others and where the number one place to meet some was. The morning show lady was saying that she met her boyfriend through Craigslist. I thought, people meet people through Craigslist?
So tonight I came home and looked for myself and found lots of people are on there looking for love....or something anyway. It was interesting to read what many of the men had to say and to see how many actually posted. Some made me laugh, some were pretty strange, but I guess you should be proactive in your search if you are really looking for someone. Although not all of them were looking for the same thing...supposedly.

I would be interested to know what comes of some of these posts and if people actually find their true loves on here. Especially when you could read what they wrote, but to see a picture of them, you had to send one of yourself first.

And the number one place to meet someone is in a Bank line during the lunch hour. I guess you know where I will be spending my lunch hours from now on.

1 comment:

Liana said...

it's crazy, but some people actually do. totally weirds me out....