Sunday, September 23, 2007

More Time Please

I realized this morning I needed two more days to do all the things I wanted to do in the "unplanned" weekend. I had a lot of fun, but had some things that I really should have been doing that I put off, not to say that I didn't accomplish anything, because I did, I just needed to do more.
  • I needed more sleep.

  • I needed to practice hula more.

  • I needed to correct papers (although that might happen as I watch Norbit.)

  • I needed to finish watching 10 Things I Hate About You.

  • I needed to write my students name down for a project we were going to do tomorrow, but I guess that will have to wait to see if I get it done in the morning.

Although I didn't really need to do all these things, I for sure wanted to do them so this week would be smoother. Here is what I did:

  • I went to Happy Hour Friday

  • I bought my face lotion, I have been meaning to buy for weeks.

  • I went grocery shopping.

  • I cleaned my house

  • I changed my bedding to the Fall bedding

  • I put up all my Fall decorations

  • I went to The Farm Girls Holiday with Becker and took a hay ride

  • I went to dessert with Tami in Edmonds, which I hadn't been too in 9 years. The last time I went I was at a Day Camp in Lynnwood.

  • I helped Betty sew on her machine and hand stich her chair packs

  • I cooked fried lice, apple crisp, and guacamole

  • I went to a baby shower.

  • I hung out with the parents

  • I shopped for a new recipe book.

Needless to say is was as busy of a weekend as it was a week. This past week kept me on my toes and I didn't get enough rest. I am making it to the gym, but my sleep is suffering! But not this week, this week I am going to be good and go to bed on time and eat healthy, so I can keep getting wonderful compliments. Thanks to all. Have a fun week. Can you believe it is already the end of September? It feels like we just started school.

1 comment:

tiwalani said...

omg, i SO love 10 things i hate about you!! i could watch it over & over again. and how come at the end when she's reading the poem & she starts to cry...i start to cry. i love girly teeny bopper movies! LOL (hey...a movie night at halau on projector?? hmmm)