Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I've been doing it since I was 12 and took a class from Campfire that gave me a certificate to do it. Last weekend I got the opportunity to watch my niece while my sister was off at work. My mom and dad helped to, basically they would hand her off to me after she was done eating so I could burp her and put her to sleep.
During the morning, I was sharing with my mom and dad about getting a pedicure and somehow painting my niece's nails came up. The only color I could find that my sister had was red, so we went to work. They turned out beautiful, but we figured that her mama wouldn't really like it, so we covered them up with socks and went about our day.
I didn't get to see my sister's face when she pulled off those socks, but I for sure got a phone call and a mention in her latest blog: Leialoha's Toes

1 comment:

tiwalani said...

this is freaking HILLARIOUS!! i love it!!