Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Our First Adventure

I was so blessed this last year, when one of my teaching partners left to have shoulder surgery and a wonderfully talented teacher stepped into her shoes. Although the class was intimidating at first, she did a wonderful job and had them whipped into shape in no time. Over the remainder of the year we became colleagues and friends. At the end of the year, we thought her time with us might be up, but with a lot of switching that went on in our building we were able to hire her for a first grade position. So next year she will be on staff in the crazy place we call home for 9 months.
On Monday we took our first of many trips over the summer up to Bellingham. We walked all over and although I had my camera the whole I time, I only took a couple of pictures. We had potato burritos at this place, because we thought that Casa Que Pasa was no more, but then after we were full we walked around the corner and low and behold there it was up and running. LAME!
We also took a stop out by the camp I used to work at (Camp Lutherwood) because I wanted to take a picture of the bridge we came out and jumped off of, even though there was a
sign that said no jumping off this bridge.

We had a great time and hope to do more small trips. Stay tuned...maybe I'll even get a shot of us together in one of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww...thanks hon! I feel so lucky to not only have you as a colleague, but as a friend:) This was just the first of our adventures to come! Thanks for a fun day!