Sunday, April 29, 2007


What beautiful days we have been getting. It completely makes me want to just lay around outside and do nothing, but then my laundry won't get done, the grocerys will stay at the store, the carpet will stay dirty and so will the dishes.
Today I was up early in hopes for a great breakfast at Sunbreak, but my friend got sick and I was left awake with no sleep in sight, so I shot a round of golf (60), started laundry, grocery shopped, washed the dishes, ate breakfast, and am now waiting for my clothes to be ready to fold. It's been a busy day. I am so ready for a nap. I am sure that will be coming soon.
  • The kids were crazy this week, for what reason I don't know. Could have been the weather change, could have been pajama day, could have been my 1/2 day. Who knows? They just were. They are so much more independent now, I love it and would love to go up with them to second grade.
  • I am hula focused right now, with a performance coming up in May. I need to get my act together.
  • With a hula focus, I also am working on costumes and sewing. Oh the joys! Where did that seam ripper go again?
  • Working out is getting better and it should be great right now with my running of Bloomsday next weekend.
  • Yesterday I ate my diet to shit and weigh way too much again. Yuck!
  • I'm paying bills today and I hope to see my refund check in the mail soon.

Hope you all have a great week.

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