Today we are off from school, which according the people that don't teach, is just another day that teachers are slacking and not doing anything. Mind you these people aren't taking work home with them after they have already worked a 10 hour day, they aren't thinking about what they are going to do differently with two kids in their class that don't get along, they aren't thinking about how they are going to make sure that two little girls in their class will be able to recognize all the letters in the alphabet and say their sounds before they leave first grade, because they didn't get it in kindergarten. They are the ones that go home and get to be apart of their families lives and forget about work until tomorrow.
Needless to say...Today we are off because it is Veterans Day, which really had no meaning to me while in school. I knew what it was all about, but really didn't pay much attention to it. This year is different though, over my lifetime I have met many Vets and now I realize what they have done for us and our country. They put aside their wants and needs and go out to fight for the freedom of people they will never meet. They follow orders that may send them into danger and harms way, yet they do it willingly and selflessly. If you see a Vet today or any day, please thank them for all they have done for us and for the futures of all the kids that are home today enjoying a day off.
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