Sunday, March 12, 2006

Bestest Friend...and the Worst

I just wanted to take some time to give a shout-out to a friend that has really meant the most to me and I have felt so guilty because I forgot to call her on her birthday, so I am hoping by saying all these glowing words about her and telling her how crappy I am that things will all be better.
Our Story
Our story started innocently enough at a church function at a park. We were playing games and hanging out and having a good time. By the end of the night, I knew that she would be my best friend. She had been going through some struggles and that night she was just looking for some relief. Luckily for me after the night in the park and some drinking with the older crowd she decided to come back and hangout with us the following year. Our friendship continued to grow over the years and we now have many memories to look back on and laugh about. She was always someone I would go to with questions I didn't feel comfortable asking anyone else. She was the person that I could count on when I needed to go to the store or get out of town. She was the person I watched my last sunrise with at Central the day before we graduated. She was the one who got me drunk on my 21 run. She blessed me life and continues to. Although she lives far away and has a husband and a family, I still feel as close to her as when we lived 5 mins apart. She will always have a special place in my heart. I love you r. kim! May this coming year be one of new awakening and discoveries. May you grow stronger in your marriage and in your faith. May your boys bring you boundless energy and joy. May you continue to forgive me when I make mistakes and miss your birthday. May the days melt away until you return home again.

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