Sunday, February 12, 2006

Blogging Nerd

I have officially become a blogging nerd. I can now animate graphics, import music, and today I learned how to to make my own header. The other ones were all done with a little help, but this one was done all by myself and a new little program Photoshop elements that cost a pretty penny.
The funny thing about this is I never thought I would do something like this, but I am now into it. And even though I have some haters out there that think, why is she spending all this time doing it, I know they love to read what I have been up to and like seeing my growth in the computer world, so there.


shelley said...

ha ha ha!

and to think you used to say the same thing to me, as one of my haters! :)

so glad you joined the club...

shelley said...

and the header ROCKS my SOCKS!!