Well it is back to school for me tomorrow. I really enjoyed my week and time off, but I was just really getting used to it on Thursday and that is when I realized that I have to start getting back into school mode. It will be good, because it is only a four day week. We have Friday off, so we can do report cards. Which I would like to report that all of mine are done, except for the comments that are all written out and were going to be inputed today, but the system was down, so I had to go shopping. I didn't buy anything if you were wondering.
...so I am off to bed, after I fold my laundry, pack my lunch, pack my workout bag, finish copying my hula notes into the computer, call AM and my Alaskan sister, and have a snack before 8pm (that is my food intake cutoff). It seems like a lot, but then I think about all my friends that have families and have to do all their kid's stuff, husband's stuff and their stuff. I don't know if I could do it all.
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