Friday, February 24, 2006

and now the Week Update...

So here it is, what I really did with my break, thus far

  • Worked out everyday, twice on Tuesday and Thursday
  • Completed my headboard (check, check) Y'all should come and check it out, until I got a pic on the web.
  • Decided what to do with my camera situation: fix, sell on eBay, buy a new one (most likely a Cannon with detachable lens)
  • Worked on my assignments from my photo book: anyone have a scanner, that is my next task-scan some pics in)
  • Set-up a schedule for my new IA that will be starting after break, figured out who would be in math groups and what they would be doing, entered DRA scores, and corrected some.
  • Realized all my students have gone up at least a level in their ability to read.
  • Loved the fact that I am not working and so many of my friends are!
  • No reading :(
  • Put my new carseat covers on and love them:)
  • Watched some TV, but not a-latte
  • Still trying to finish correcting, so I can start grades. That is my next goal for the week, I know the week is almost over, but I have to have some sort of grading done, so I don't have to work next week.
  • The best part of my week is that:

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