Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Hula la

So, there are two classes the Thursday night ladies, whom perform and take hula seriously and then there is the Tuesday night ladies that come to class for the social aspect. Everyone starts out on Tuesday and as you progress you get to move to Thursday. It is a big deal to move. I have been taking hula for 2 years now and working on my third year in the Tuesday night class. Tonight I was told that if I wanted to start coming to Thursday and doing basics I could. Basics are the warm-ups to dancing.
Now I am excited about this, but right now hula is very frustrating to me because I am not learning the songs as fast as I want to and the moves are getting harder. Why does he ask me now that I am frustrated with it? I have been talking with him about working out and what I am doing for it, so I really don't know if he thinks I am ready to move classes or he thinks I can just get a better workout. Because I did tell him that I feel I am getting a workout in the Tuesday night class. He said I should come to a real class. I don't know. I don't want to get even more frustrated.

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